May 23, 2018, 5:48 AM EST (pre-sunrise)
South Beach, Boca Raton, Florida

Join me from the beach this beautiful morning and learn how this philosophy can free you from adversity, obstacles, challenges, change, and chaos pushing you off track time and time again.

As you will see, this is my expanded epiphany after discussing the expected chaos, challenges, and obstacles that occurs regularly with me and my millionaire clients, that I learned while in the Marine Corps which is, “Expect to get cut!” when a knife is pulled out. That way you don’t flinch or lose your focus when you do get cut, due to that one second of distraction could very well cause your life to end.

Make Today Great!
Tom Beal

PS – Let’s have some fun (for the brave “martial arts masters” who can withstand massive blows to the groin; like the video below); which may be inspirational for those who are recovering from a painful shot to the nuts right now, and possibly healing for you to share how you overcame that devastating blow.

PPS – Our goal as entrepreneurs is to be like Kirby (who took that amazingly powerful kick and heart rate didn’t budge) when challenges come our way, and remain calm, cool, collected, and in control, versus being curled up in a ball crying for mama…or retaliating in a knee jerk, fight or flight, emotionally induced response (which is equally a waste of time, and in many cases exacerbates & expands problems).

When was your most recent, or the most powerful “kick to the balls” you’ve received by life, and how did you pick yourself back up and continue to press on? (comment below)
