You have big dreams? Big goals? FACT: They WILL NOT occur staying comfortably in your Comfort Zone. You must explore outside of it DAILY! This simple challenge, will test your commitment to really wanting to go for your dreams, or if you’re just a big talker with no action to back it up.

If you are unwilling to push past your minds attempts to talk you out of things, and TAKE ACTION in spite of fear, uncertainty, or anticipation of bad outcomes, you’ll be missing out on all the success, adventure, and fun that is waiting for your courage to show up.

That is a true, for real, challenge from ME to YOU! Comment below if you accept or not, and even better share your experience if you accepted.

Make Today Great!
Tom Beal

PS – As I state in the video, if you choose to decline this challenge I wish you the best of luck on your big dreams. This is the absolute SIMPLEST step you could ever choose to take or not take on any journey to greatness. Fail to accept this, and you’ll fail to accept the more difficult ones.

Let me peek into some of your minds?

“Tom, aren’t you being a bit harsh?” Nope. Just doing my job, which is to nudge you to be your absolute best. It’s not uncommon for me to see more talent & brilliance lying latent in you, than you see for yourself.

“It’s not that big of deal. I’ve done it before years ago, and don’t need to do it now.” What other things in your life and business are you excusing yourself from doing that are congruent with your goals and dreams. Meaning: you should and must be doing the if you were serious about your large goals and dreams but instead are choosing to make excuses that you convince yourself of being valid (and that dream or goal is put on pause until you choose to do what you know you must).

Jim Rohn, said it best: “Things that are easy to do, are easier NOT to do.”

Yes, this is easy to do, but it’s easier not to do. If you choose no to this challenge, ask yourself what else is easy to do in your health, relationships, and finances, that you are choosing NOT to do out of emotional laziness.

NOTE: Is this making you uncomfortable? Good! YOU have HUGE talents lying dormant within you. You want to die with your songs still in you and lead a life of mediocrity compared to what you could’ve lived if you chose to step into your awesomeness boldly & fearlessly? My guess is a NO or else you wouldn’t be here.

Tell yourself what I told myself, in my mind as it was trying to talk me out of it), and own your awesomeness and choose to do it NOW!

As simple as it sounds this is a life transforming experience for many. Choose to try it yourself, NO EXCUSES, and let me know your experience in a comment below.

LOOK: I attract winners. You are one or you wouldn’t be here reading this now. In business and life there are either results or excuses. Which do you choose today? Step up! NOW is your time to shine and own your greatness. Are you ready?
