While addressing crowds in the hundreds and posing the question as to what their biggest stumbling block or obstacle is to them, they in great majority declare that it is themselves.

That’s right…

You are your biggest obstacle and stumbling block to reaching your goals and dreams.

And one step closer to home…

I am MY biggest obstacle and stumbling block to setting and attaining my goals and dreams.

This fact is true for each and everyone of us in this journey of life. To master life, we must master ourselves.

Unfortunately for us, we rarely learn from friends, colleagues, peers, and mentors who will explain to us to do or not do certain things. Most of us learn experientially through trial and error.

That’s right, we just step up to the plate and give it our best shot from the place we are at that moment.

How many times have you looked back on certain experiences and said something along the lines of, “If I only knew then what I know now.”

You probably would have made different choices in your words and actions, right? You’re not alone, so would I.

Fact: we can’t change one thing, one word, or one action that has already occurred no matter how much we’d like to.

All we can do is act from the present moment and glean wisdom from those past errors and successes to ensure we make the best choice today in the now which will lead us closer to, not further from, our dreams and goals.

One way to ensure you steer clear of self sabotage is to be super clear on what you want and focus as much of your time and energy as you possibly can on what you want.

When you notice emotions and things occurring that you don’t want, state internally and externally, “This is not what I want. What I want is…” and state what your desired outcome in that situation is.

So when you’re feeling angry, upset, scared, threatened, insecure, unprepared, unqualified, unworthy, or any other negative emotion, catch it before it escalates and say to yourself, “Wait! I do not want to feel (insert negative emotion here), I want to feel (add positive emotion here).”

Same thing when you are saying or doing something that you don’t want to be doing or saying. “Wait! I don’t want to say that. What I want to say is…” or “Wait! I don’t want to do that. What I want to do is…”

Being clear on what you really want in all aspects is also a major key to attaining your dreams and goals. So this process will assist you in steering clear of self sabotage while getting you closer to your dreams and goals.

Another key is to subject yourself to positive reinforcement through audios and videos that remind you of how special, talented, gifted, and unique you are. I personally love listening to great audios from Tony Robbins and Abraham-Hicks regularly to remind me of the potential and greatness within me.

Remember, the words and actions you say and take today will either lead you closer or further from your dreams and goals. The choice is yours as to which that is.

Stay focused on what you want all the way from your emotions to your outcomes. Get super clear and ask yourself if your thoughts, words and actions are in alignment with what you really want.

Remember, we all say and do stupid things on occasion. Try not to beat yourself up to much over those embarrassing moments. Instead try to learn from them and correct any self destructive habits or patterns as soon as possible.

If you’re here reading this, I believe in you!

And remember…

You are awesome!

You are talented!

You are special!

You are loved!

Make Today Great!

Tom Beal

PS – Here is one of my favorite YouTube pages that inspires me to be a better me, and do my best to enjoy this brief journey we call life while creating as many memorable moments I can. http://www.youtube.com/user/AbrahamHicks

PPS – This post was written as a reminder for me and I hope it is helpful to you as well.
