RE: I’ll be there 9pm EST Tonight, you can too…

(If you’re reading this afterwards, you can still access the replay)

Jay Conrad Levinson, the man responsible for the Marlboro Man, and author of the best selling marketing book series of all time will be answering your questions in just one hour.

You can get the details to listen live tonight at:

And also when you register you’ll be able to submit your questions for the training…

Remember Jay is sharing techniques and strategies on how you can get others to pay for your marketing. This is not the ordinary stuff you hear everyday.

As a matter of fact, this is the 1st time I’ve ever heard information like this, and…I’ll be there listening and taking notes for sure.

‘See’ you there & Make Today Great!
Tom Beal

PS This is not the same-ol’, same-ol’ interview.Jay rarely speaks on webcasts and it is the only one he has scheduled so far this year.  So be sure to register now at:

PPS And if you miss it, you will get the replay details here as well when you register:
