Ok! Usually I’m the 1st to know about cool little tricks and insights, but this one slipped past me until just about an hour ago, and you may or may not already know about how powerful and easy this tool is:

iMovie app for iPhone

You used it yet? You see I hadn’t until today, and am excited about the possibilities it brings with it.

For example, you most likely know the power and benefits of videos, right?

You ever seen a video on YouTube that was just a picture moving slowly, with someone talking over it and maybe a little background music playing, and maybe even it transitioning to several pictures?

Well, that is one of the many possibilities in your hand if you have an iPhone and the iMovie app.

Enough of me trying to explain it here.

Go check out my 1st attempt at using this simple and powerful tool for yourself and keep in mind the possibilities this opens up for you and the messages you want to share.

This video took about 5 minutes of my time to create, and VOILA it was up on YouTube.

Enjoy & Make Today Great!
Tom Beal

PS – Oh yeah, go grab Trey Smith’s FREE DVD while you still can, too.
