Jermaine GriggsThat’s a picture I took of Jermaine Griggs (on the right), Founder of Nitty Gritty Marketing, with Simon Leung (left) and Simon’s friend (middle) from YouTube while we were all at the Googleplex in San Francisco recently.

Last night, I just got done installing and using a tool that Jermaine created which personalizes firstnames with an audio message by merging the recorded names with the message and can be used in conjunction with your current online lists or opt-ins.So, I figured I’d give it a try and recorded over 500 names plus a message and sent the personalized audio to my members at MLM Experts.

It was surprisingly simple to do but did take some time uploading the files to my server. Then I created a page kind of as a catch all just in case someone’s firstname wasn’t recorded and it went to a general message page. Will make some posts in the future about how well my 1st run at this was received by the members.

This product has me so excited because it now makes it possible for marketers like you and I to communicate with our online prospects in a way they like best…extremely personalized while hearing their own name.

To get an idea as to how this works you can listen to a sample at:

You can even replace Tom_ with your name (Mike_, or Stephen_, or any first name with 1st letter capitalized) in it’s place in the URL where Tom is. If you try it and your name is not there yet simply make a comment to this post and I’ll create one for you soon. 😉

Think of the time and personalization this can provide you with and the comfort level this can give your prospects and customers when dealing with them.I call this kind of stuff a “WOW! Factor”. It makes your clients, prospects, and new opt-ins say “WOW!”It’s a trick/software that my good friend Jermaine created and is using. He may release it first to his students at:, which opens with great anticipation this Tuesday.

This is just one of many surprise “WOW! Factor” tactics that Jermaine Griggs uses to generate millions in sales online all while growing tremendous relationships and loyalty with his clients. He’s all about the Nitty Gritty Marketing. Take a peak for yourself at some of his other tricks and his upcoming program at: next time, here’s to your marketing success.

Make Today Great!

Tom Beal
