Taking Your Life & Results To New Heights

Category: Life Lessons (page 3 of 6)

AMAZING Beachside LIVE Video Chat: Becoming Your Best Simply

In this LIVE interactive video with people from all over the globe (Netherlands, Denmark, US: Georgia, San Diego, Miami, and more) we touch on subjects related to: preparation, confidence, being in the flow, the power of your mind in determining your reality, only 3 things you can control in this world (which by default controls a 4th), the secret question to ask yourself when someone is pushing your button to ensure you don’t say or do things you may regret later, and more.

Have a feeling it cut off prior to me officially ending it. Was doing some weird things on my end

NOTE: Join me LIVE next time and interact with me by following me on Twitter at @tombeal, and searching for me on the live streaming app Periscope as Tom Beal.

Make Today Great!
Tom Beal

PS – Post your comments of this value based video below. I read all, and reply to most all. 🙂



Discussing 3 Day Apple Fast & How I Went from 196 to 168 Pounds In 60 Days

…and my 3 Day Edgar Cayce Apple Fast Has Changed My Life & Can Change Yours Well

Find more about me discussing my fasting here:

  1. Edgar Cayce’s 3 Day Apple Fast Experiment (documented as I went through it)
  2. Tom Beal’s 10 Day No Food Fast Experiment (documented as I went through it)

To get the FREE report describing how I lost 28 lbs in 60 days you can go to: My Transformation Secrets.

Make Today Great!
Tom Beal

PS – Post your comments below. I see all, and reply to most all. 🙂



Tribute Video To Wayne Dyer by Tom Beal

Chances are very high that you have crossed paths with Wayne Dyer’s material over the years. He had a strong and positive impact on my life after studying him since the late ’90’s. R.I.P. Wayne!

Here is a LIVE video I recorded this morning at sunrise from Boca Raton Beach that some have shared was inspiring (near the end when I say my tribute and prayer to Wayne Dyer, especially):

Smile, step up & go for your dreams. This journey is brief, regardless of how many years we live. Don’t die with your song inside of you.

Make Today Great!
Tom Beal

P.S. – Leave your comment below if Wayne touched your life also, and/or with your most memorable Wayne Dyer bit of wisdom or moment.

P.P.S. – Hope to see you at the LIVE Webinar titled: S.O.S. => Stop Overcomplicating Success. (Click on Title To Register)

S.O.S. => Stop Overcomplicating Success! LIVE Webinar With Q &A

This LIVE interactive Webinar on September 2, 2015, will be sharing techniques & strategies to assist you in taking your results to new heights regardless of what level of success you’ve attained so far this year.

Go register NOW at: StopOvercomplicatingSuccess.com

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Make Today Great!
Tom Beal

Can You Hear The Passion? It is time for us to step up! Are you Ready?

Tom Beal is BACK! Can you hear the passion in my voice in these 51 seconds? Now is YOUR time to step up and into your awesomeness, too! Are you ready? (NOTE: this is an edited audio message sent to one of my clients/friends this AM.)

Leave you comments and feedback below. Let me know if you feel, “I am READY!!!”

Make Today Great!
Tom Beal

Edgar Cayce’s 3 Day Apple Fast Simply Described

The 3 Day Apple Fast Simple Described

Have you ever wanted a quick way to detox your body, feel more vibrant, thoughtful, and in power of your life? The 3 day Edgar Cayce Apple Fast may be exactly what you are seeking.

Personally, I have completed this 3 day fast about a dozen times, and each time I am so thankful I chose to do so. I’ll expand upon this in the videos found below recorded on each of the 3 days. As I type this, I am nearing the evening of my last day.

Watch the videos below to see me on Day 1, 2, and 3, sharing some insights and take aways of my experience.

My hope in sharing this is that it will inspire you to observe your life to see what is serving you and what isn’t serving you in your life. If you do choose to complete these three days, I can assure you, that you too will see as I have that most of my eating is by habit, boredom, procrastination (of work I should be doing), or socially.

That epiphany alone has brought the locus of control of my choices & power back to me in a way, that I wish for you to experience and have. It can and has been a life altering experiment. Many of my friends that I’ve shared this with have thanked me for exposing this to them, and the lessons they learned from it.

Here is the URL from the Edgar Cayce website about the Apple Fast, Edgar Cayce readings on fasting and here is a helpful resource for the Edgar Cayce Apple Fast, as well.

Make Today Great!

PS – Join us in the Facebook Group for FREE, as people from all around the globe share their apple fast journey with encouragement from the other members. 

PPS – Below is an audio walkthrough of the 3 day apple fast you may enjoy, as well.

Another brief walk through of the 3 Day Apple Fast

People of all races, religions, ages and nations amaze me…

There are people of all genders, races, religions, ages and nations that fall into one of two categories of amazement for me.

Either they amaze me with their love and altruism which helps me strive to be a better person and leader, or they scare me with their hate and poison which helps me strive to be a better person and leader.

(Newsflash: Each & every label of humans have people in both places; at the pinnacle of love and pit of hate, as well as everywhere in between.)

I can’t control their actions, but I can and do choose mine.

Disclaimer: I am far from perfect and highly flawed, and will make a promise to you here and now that I will think, say and do some things each and every day that I won’t be completely proud of, but I own my actions and will strive to be a better person each and every day.

We’re on this journey together. Take care of the actions of the man or woman in the mirror, and together let’s make this world a better place for our kids and future generations.

Together we can…

Make Today Great!
Tom Beal

One Of My Best Choices Made in the Past 18 Months

Almost 18 months ago I was smoking a cigar, drinking a cocktail, (BTW – I don’t do either of those 2 things anymore, as of late) and conversing with a highly successful friend of mine, who had just taken me after lunch for a ride in his new Rolls Royce Phantom, he picked up on a sweet deal. Sidenote: I must admit, it is a sweet ride.

As we sat there chatting we both expressed how cool it would be for us to meet on a regular basis like this with the other top entrepreneurs and minds in the area, as well.

So that evening as we sat there, I made a post on Facebook that tagged several of our friends in South Florida stating that we were forming a local mastermind group, and to let us know if they were interested in being a part of it, and asking them to tag who else they thought would be a good addition to the group.

Long story short, that was the beginning of the Palm Beach County Lifestyle & Results Mastermind Group, that began December 2013 and since then has met once per month, and many amazing results and break throughs have occurred.

Today, after the monthly mastermind meeting I recorded a podcast that shares some resources we used to create and run this mastermind group, that may be helpful to you, plus shares some of the biggest take aways I’ve experienced about how to surround myself with amazing people, and what that has done for my life and results.

Go listen to this brief podcast at: Tom Beal’s Podcast

While there, be sure to subscribe to the Podcast, and check out many of the tremendously helpful past episodes.

Make Today Great!
Tom Beal

PS – At the podcast URL above, you’ll see a photo from today’s mastermind meeting, which had a highly successful friend from Amsterdam in attendance; Eelco de Boer. In the past we’ve had several out of country guests like Andre Chaperon, Chris Munch, and Kayvon Khalilzadeh attend, also. If you’re ever in South Florida, be sure to hit me up. You may be able to come to one.

Check it out now at: Tom Beal’s Podcast

PPS – Be sure to leave me feedback either here or at the podcast via a comment. I see all, and reply to most all. 🙂


7 Minutes of Wisdom & Resources From The Beach by Tom Beal

Tom Beal shares some wisdom, questions, and resources from the beach at Palmetto Park Rd, in Boca Raton, FL, recorded LIVE using the iOS app Periscope, that can take your life and results to new heights.

Be sure to get the iOS app Periscope and look me up @tombeal to be notified of upcoming LIVE stream videos.

Also, here are some of the resources mentioned in the video above:

Make Today Great podcast by Tom Beal  Cost: FREE

SpeedUp app to listen to MP3’s you upload at higher/faster speeds Cost: $2.99

iOS Podcast app helpful resources if you are not familiar with it

How to have the Kindle app read your books to you video shows you steps to take to make this happen on your iPad or iPhone

4 Important Questions mentioned in the video that I ask myself often once I’m clear on what I want and don’t want: 1. What do I need to start doing? 2. What do I need to do more of? 3. What do I need to do less of? 4. What do I need to stop doing altogether?

My hope is that this was helpful to you!

Make Today Great!
Tom Beal

PS – Leave your feedback below via a comment to include some powerful questions you like asking yourself, that i didn’t mention in this video. NOTE: I read all and reply to most.