IMG_169010 Secrets for Success & Inner Peace by Wayne Dyer personal notes taken by Tom Beal while listening to this Audible audiobook at 3x speed on his morning walk, to and from the beach (more details of this daily ritual follow the notes from the 10 Secrets).

  1. Have a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing. Resist being a pessimist. Treat all with live and respect. A miracle mindset. With God all things are possible. I am a miracle worker. As a ma thinker the so is he. Let go of attachments. Infinite patience immediate results. Don’t be always striving never arriving.
  2. Don’t die with your music still in you. What a man can be he must be. When you were born your life’s work was within you. Follow your dreams or feel unfulfilled. Express the music you hear. Don’t betray your music and your destiny. Does this feel right? Find passion through inspiration. What’s ties your soul? Fear or love. Failure is an illusion. It all produces a result, then it’s what you do with it. Be enthusiastic. Meet triumph & disaster the same (both illusions)
  3. You can’t give away what you don’t have. Trust yourself. Give love and joy. Receive live and joy. If you feel anger you have anger in your body. Low energy attracts more. Have more high energies and attract more. Only love and support yourself. Self love self respect. More you give the more you get. When you squeeze an orange it always gives orange juice. Finding your purpose. You come here and leave with nothing. Be of service to others. Athlete warrior statesman spirit. Love & serve. Nothing is personal, tame your ego. How can I be of service?
  4. Embrace silence. Solitude is key to inner peace. All mans miseries derive from man not being able to sit silent in a room alone. Be still and know I am God. Creativity requires stillness. To know God is to banish doubt. Sit quietly alone; meditate. Meditation for manifesting. Get in the gap. More peace, remove stress through peace & meditation. When ego enters
  5. Give up your personal history. The wake of the boat is the trail left behind and can’t drive the boat forward. Your past is over. Don’t be a victim of it. Examine embrace and love the past. Falls and challenges happen. Honor, retire, transform them, to be of value in the present. Give up the past & future in your mind, be in the present moment. Remove all labels places on your self. You’re a human.
  6. You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it. Problems are impossible. Thoughts are the source of all in your life. Change your thoughts change your relationships and life. World is just as it is. Body is a container for spirit to flow through. Ego consciousness, competing & winning, how do I stack up against others. Despair anger stress. Group consciousness. Same but now a larger clan. War brutality. Hate when they hate, love when they love. Mystical consciousness. Feeling connected. We’re all one. Won’t feel separate.
  7. There are no justified resentments. Happiness is required by your thoughts. I may not understand why but I own it. I take responsibility. Then you can take steps to improve it. Love peace joy kindness forgiveness. If you’re going to seek revenge you’d better dig two graves. What you think of me is none of my business. Don’t be offended by anyone or anything. Be peaceful. Have faith in your beliefs and feelings. Don’t judge or define others either. Peaceful person attracts more peace. They won’t be like you. They’ll be them. Love and forgive. Dissolve hatred. Anyone who has harmed you, release them. Forgive them, free yourself.
  8. Treat yourself as if you already are the way you would like to be. In form you receive information. In spirit you receive inspiration. Vision, imagine, act as if. I am! If in scarcity, change your thinking. Visualize the future self. Success and inner peace are your birthright. Act towards others as they are bright responsible and amazing. Look for the good in others. Am I treating this relationship as it is or the way I’d want it to be? See your audience as loving, motivated and amazing. You’ll note synchronicity. What you think about expands and stir you to action. Claim your genius and abundance. Whether you think this is possible or impossible you’re right.
  9. Treasure your divinity. Treat nothing as a miracle or treat all as a miracle. If you feel disconnected from God you’ll lose your power and peace. Nothing is missing. Ego edges you to chase what is missing. Embrace your divinity. There is no place God is not. It is in you and all you perceive as missing in your life. Are you God? Yes I am. And so are you. Difference is I know it and you don’t yet. Even
  10. Wisdom is avoiding all thoughts that weaken you. Nothing is unless we think it so. Thoughts can weaken or strengthen you. Shame guilt apathy. Release. Give love power and respect to your self. Fear and anger. Perfect love casts out all fear. Everything is a vibration of energy. Go to love and trust. We become what we think about all day long. Mind creates health, abundance and amazing relationships.

Tom Beal’s morning ritual consists of walking 2 miles to the beach, and 2 miles back home, which is approximately a 1 hour roundtrip of walking at a decent pace WHILE listening to audiobooks on Audible at 3x speed (so 3 hours of audio EACH morning walk).

He used to just listen to these audios each morning UNTIL it struck him that he is not remembering the key take aways he had just heard that morning, then decided to test and see if he could take notes WHILE walking AND listening at 3x speed. The answer is/was YES!

Currently Tom is averaging 3-5 audiobooks per week, and takes copious notes on most all of them, as well.

He shares them inside a Secret Client Only Facebook Group, for his and his clients benefit, but does share them publicly on occasion.

You can watch a FREE Webinar training to learn how to Stop Overcomplicating Success by using Tom’s Success Magnet System combined with his Trinity Success Method, and at the end learn how to access this Secret Facebook Group at: Stop Overcomplicating Success.

NOTE: These are Tom’s personal notes taken while walking & listening to this Wayne Dyer Audiobook on Audible at 3x. He highly encourages you to go get and listen to this Audiobook (plus any of Wayne’s brilliant words) for yourself here: Wayne Dyer Collection.

Feel free to share this with others you feel can benefit from it and/or leave a comment below with which of the 10 secrets resonated most with you. Enjoy & Make Today Great!

