Chrystie Payne, Tom Beal, Jennifer PayneHave you heard that life is always 20/20 in the rear view mirror?

It reminds me of an armchair quarterback watching the Sunday football games. Yelling at the TV saying they would have done it all differently if they were QB. They would have passed to that open wide receiver, they would have seen that blitz coming, they wouldn’t have got sacked so easily because they would have felt the pressure coming and ran out of the pocket.

Sure they would! I mean, it’s so easy and stress free when a nimble 300 plus pound lineman is trucking towards you with the intent of ripping your head clean off, right? Especially when you have zero experience in that role and circumstance. 🙂

But really isn’t that life? Just when you think you have most everything under control that ‘300 pound lineman’ blindsides you and puts you in a spot that you never saw coming.

It happens in work, it happens in relationships, it happens in health.

Thankfully it rarely happens in all 3 of those vital areas at once but I’m sure that if you or I were to do any reflection we could probably pinpoint a couple of times that we may have been subject to all 3 challenges at once.

There’s a quote somewhere in the Bible that states we will never be given a challenge that we can’t handle. Meaning that if we are currently dealing with a challenge it is not outside of our abilities and demeanor to properly handle it.

Is it me or does life sometimes throw curve balls that you feel might be coming at you as if from a NY Yankees Hall of Fame pitcher…and you feel you’re just graduating from the tee-ball league?

But there’s also a saying that “This too shall pass!”

No matter how much “heat” that pitcher life throws you at times, even when a triple threat hat trick comes at you with health, relationships and financial challenges, it does pass with time…and taking proper action as well never hurts.

So what are some lessons we can glean from yesterday? I feel there are so many we can discuss and learn from, however due to sleep deprivation we will cover one today that I feel is vitally important to leading a fulfilling and adventurous life for me, and I hope it will be eye opening and helpful for you, too.

The #1 lesson that I feel has been extremely important to me in leading a fulfilling life is the mantra, “Let it go!”

Just like a quarterback who throws an interception. If he were to focus on that interception for even one more play it would cost him in productivity and possibly the entire game. He has to “LET IT GO!” Yes, he’ll be disappointed! Yes, you may be able to read a curse word or two from his lips. But he does not and cannot beat himself up for the rest of the game.

He will express his frustration of his mistake in the moment, then move on to the next moment. He will try to learn from that mistake to try and prevent a similar one from happening. He may ask for feedback from the coaches on the sidelines and in the box seats with a clearer view. He may look at and study pictures of the defense so he can recognize patterns as they form the remainder of the game.

Bottom line, he will acknowledge his mistake, learn from it, and try to take proactive steps to lead his team to victory ‘one play at a time.’FYI – The same goes for amazing plays as well. A QB who throws a phenomenal pass which leads to an amazing touchdown can appreciate that success, slap some high 5’s, drink some Gatorade with a smile and enjoy that moment, however when the next play comes, that prior success has been Let Go and he is now focused on the next successful play.

Sure there will be time to tell stories after the game is over, and those stories of great plays usually only are spoken of if the game was actually won…not just that one play. 🙂

So take a look at your past. I’d recommend looking specifically into the 3 major areas of: work, relationships, and health.

What lessons could you take from those great successes and those ‘interceptions’ that may have happened on occasion?

How could you have handled those successes and/or interceptions better?

If you knew then what you know now, what would you have done differently?

Who are some of your coaches or observers that you could ask feedback from so they could give you some pointers for your next ‘play?’

Have you been beating yourself up for any interceptions or bad plays that have happened in your past?

Don’t you feel it’s time you allowed yourself to: “Let it go! Let it go!”

Your team needs you! Your family needs you! Your business needs you! And your health needs you to “Let it Go!”

Just like that quarterback looking to win the game, all of those areas need you to let it go, so you can focus on your next play and win this game…of life.

OK, I couldn’t leave a post speaking about lessons of yesterday without also throwing in this gem which has assisted me in rising to the top of most everything I have ever immersed myself into and it is this.

Bonus lesson: Give up the dream of a ‘self made millionaire/success’ and someone who must do ti all themselves. My studies have shown that EVERY successful person worthy of taking note of and learning from has had a tremendous team surrounding them.

Let’s face it! There are only 24 hours in a day and to think that I can be the end all be all worker bee accomplishing everything in my business/life is absolutely absurd…and it is for you too.

Ditch the mentality that “if it’s going to be, then it’s up to me.” That led me to an overworked and undercompensated idiot for about 10 years. Learn to assemble a solid team and properly delegate tasks/projects to the correct members with the correct strengths. (You wouldn’t want your punter to be your lineman.) 🙂

Bonus Lesson Two…I call it identify & align. Others call it modeling or mentoring. Bottom line is this:

#1) Find someone who has accomplished what you are seeking to accomplish.

#2) Study how they got from where they were to where they are.

#3) Follow the steps that got them from where they were to where they are now to get you from where you are to where you want to be.

Time for me to go get some sleep and rest up for another long day tomorrow. My mother’s funeral begins at 10am (1.5 hours from my house), then we proceed to the burial ceremony, then a family dinner. Oh yeah….plus my taxes are due tomorrow. Yikes…wish me luck! 😉

Until next time…Make Today Great & God Bless!


P.S. – One of the top experts for the area of work/marketing is my best friend and business partner Mike Filsaime and he just put together a quick time sensitive video describing something of extreme value that I thought you may enjoy! Take a peak at: Mike Filsaime Video. When he told me about it tonight after my mom’s calling hours I could barely believe it. I just watched it and can verify that it is true. Don’t miss out on this if you have ANY business whatsoever.

P.P.S. – Share your comments and/or any of the lessons you feel are valuable to learn from “yesterday’s” below.
