Robin & Bob Helstrom with grandson Harley Beal“The harder I work the luckier I become.” – Thomas Jefferson

Here’s a little hint about why some people are so excited about the future and others are fearful of what will soon be coming to them.”As you sow, so shall you reap.”

We live in a world of cause and effect. Action and reaction.

When you throw in the ingredients of persistency and consistency combined with proper action which is bringing you one step closer from where you are to where you want to be, you can rest assured that your target/goal will be reached and your efforts will not be in vain.

Of course there are several “tricks” on how to speed this process up a tad and they are

:#1) Be sure you are taking proper actions.

Just because you are busy, does not mean you are busy doing the right things. Being busy doing the wrong things can actually bring you further away from your goal if you don’t correct your course quickly and begin taking proper action.

#2) Find someone who has accomplished what you are seeking to accomplish and learn from their guidance as best as you can.Let’s face it. We rarely are going where no man has gone before. It’s not Star Trek for goodness sakes. 😉

Chances are pretty good that with some quick research on you can find some authority figures in the niche, industry, profession, sport, etc (if you aren’t already aware who they are) and learn how they got from where they were to where they are via articles, interviews, audios, videos, biographies, etc.

The best way to really shortcut your process of getting from where you are to where you want to be is to have one of these experts mentor you or guide you along your journey. You see if they are the real deal, they will be able to save you the headaches and pitfalls/detours they took along their way. They will be able to point you in the correct direction and stear you through the path much more quickly than if you were to go it alone.

Think of just moving to a new town. You’re confused at first and don’t know where anything is, yet if you had access to a local townsperson you could wake them out of their sleep and they’d be able to tell you directions in two seconds what may have taken you 2 hours of getting lost. This is the type of value a mentor can bring to you, but the difference in time saved could be years or even decades of wandering lost if you went it on your own.

#3) Massive and consistent action.

I have been extremely fortunate to work with and become friends with some of the most amazing and influential people of this era (in my opinion). Ranging from a football Hall of Fame athlete (and my childhood hero), to a pitcher in the World Series last year, to one of this decades most recognized business authors, to many of the top online and offline marketers, and they all share this trait.It has many names: pride in their work, dedication to their clients, passion for helping others, providing for their families, yet no matter how you slice it, they are committed to being and giving their best to their work/profession.

Like I mentioned some are athletes, some are authors, some are marketers, but they all go the extra mile in what they do, and the reason they are rewarded unproportionately to their peers is that they give unproportionately of themselves.

Society may even label it as workaholic. But I will say that even though many of them DO work extremely hard, they also play very hard and many have tremendous family lives, and quality friendships to go along with and compliment their success as a whole.It takes reading that extra book, attending that extra seminar, listening to that extra training CD, watching that extra training DVD, and IMPLEMENTING changes into their businesses and lives as they progress and learn.

Here’s a bonus secret to this key. Most people don’t even go the 1st mile, so when you go the extra mile, you will leave behind 95% plus of your peers.

When you are planting the proper actions into your life, you can’t help but have a hopeful future.

Don’t forget the converse of that though. I summarize it best as I heard someone say, “When you play with fire, you’d better expect to get burnt.” Or I’ve heard it said as, “What comes around goes around.” (Trust me I know these very well from 1st hand experiences too…some more recent than I’d like to admit.)

#4) Enjoy the journey

I’ve been fortunate to plant some great seeds of action in my life and they resulted in amazing levels of success, but more importantly as I reflect upon things like winning the national championship in bicycle freestyling in 1989 or becoming the # 1 Honor Graduate from United States Marine Corps Boot Camp in Parris Island, South Carolina, I can smile and feel still how much I enjoyed those journeys.

Yes, Boot Camp was 3 months of craziness that many people didn’t and couldn’t make it through, but I actually see that as the most exciting times of my 4 years of active duty. Call me sick or crazy, but I enjoyed the “game” of Boot Camp (once I figured it out ans viewed it internally as a game).

And yes, I bruised myself more times than I can count and even broke a finger trying to learn a new trick one time on my bicycle. But 3 years after I first began that journey of learning one trick at a time, I was awarded a National Champion trophy for my age and skill level (15-16 Expert). I enjoyed that journey with a passion. Could ride 10-14 hours per day and sometimes even forgot to eat on occasion because I was so immersed in my practice.

Fast forward to today and I feel that same passion and immersion with my marketing training and business. Mike Filsaime and I when we’re working on a project can go for days at a time and not even realize it. For “The 7 Figure Code” I think I forced myself to leave the office after 3 days straight.

SIDENOTE: That was the biggest project of my life so far and was uncommon behavior which produced uncommon results. Launching products of that magnitude is like training as a sprinter for the Olympics and that was my time to shine.

PS – Haven’t come close to pulling anything like that since. Will step it up when ready to beat that record some day soon though.

SIDENOTE 2: The USMC had me stay up for three days straight once too, but the difference was I made like $200 that week with the USMC when we had over $1.7 million in sales the week The 7 Figure Code launched. Different scenarios, different results…same commitment to excellence on my part. And, I had the same commitment to going the extra mile when I was a janitor my senior year in high school.

When you find something you’re passionate about, time will literally stand still for you and fly by at the same time. It’s a great feeling. I call it being in the zone.

So here we are in this world of cause and effect, action and reaction, sowing and reaping.

Are the consistent actions you are taking on a daily basis leading you closer to your goals and dreams or further away from them?When, now, is a good time to start taking consistent daily actions that will bring you closer to your goals and dreams? 😉

I look forward to seeing you get from where you are today to where you want to be in the near future and my goal is to assist you as best I can on that journey.

Here’s to tomorrow!

Make Today Great & God Bless!

Tom Beal

PS – Speaking of finding someone who has accomplished amazing things and gone from poverty to multi-millionaire and is actually opening a mentoring program next week to help others follow his guidance, go see what my very good friend is putting together. Mike Filsaime and I had him on our $5k per year coaching program call a short while ago and were amazed at what he shared. Take a peak and learn about my friend Jermaine Griggs and his Nitty Gritty Marketing coaching program.
