Tom Beal shares how he finally came about reading one of the best selling books of all time just a couple of days ago in a beach side chat with you here…

And as promised in the video, below here are the notes that he wrote in the sides of the book pages, some of which have nothing to do with what was being spoken about in the book, but what struck me in the moment.

Enjoy & Make Today Great!
Tom Beal

PS – Be sure to leave your comments below. I see and read all of them and reply to most all of them.

PPS – Here are my notes. Enjoy…

4/3/14 On flight from ROC to ORL to HOU, I started and completed reading The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.

Here are some notes from this book…

Notes in side of book:

4 Obstacles that keep people from following their dreams and passions:

1. told it’s impossible
2. love – fear of abandoning our loved ones while on our quest
3. the defeats we will meet
4. fear of realizing our dream and feeling unworthy (actors who OD, etc)

Tom Beal’s positive twists on those 4, to encourage you to follow your dreams:

1. It IS possible, and the Universe is actually conspiring to assist me in attaining it.

2. people who truly love me will support me on my quest and are cheering for me and waiting for me

3. will persevere and overcome any obstacles while learning valuable lessons from those challenges that will serve me throughout life

4. I AM worthy, and my success and quest can inspire others to feel worthy and inspired to follow their own quest

“Each time I witness someone else succeed it reinforces that I too can succeed.” Tom Beal

Corporate world workers – content with shelter, clothing, food & water, and give their time for it. (the sheep)

Government – people trust them as they’ve forgotten to take care of themselves and follow their own instincts. (sheep)

Follow your passion with no concern over what others think.

Do NOT give up on your dreams!

Donate 10% of your earnings…in return for the guidance and assistance.

Just a glance can tell if someone is following their dreams or surrendered them.

It’s never too late to follow your dreams.

Always know what you want.

Be open to constant change.

Go with the flow. Follow momentum.

Will guide you (through the desert), but you must make an oath to follow my guidance. Your life depends on it.

Move on. Don’t look back.

Do not become distracted. Stay focused on your mission/purpose.

What is my passionate desire?

Heart, please sound an alarm for me whenever I may wander from following my dreams. I will listen and get back on track.

Your eyes show the strength of your soul.

Only 1 thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: fear of failure.

Speak to nature.

Follow signs and listen.

What you think is the destination is not.

