Tom Beal

Taking Your Life & Results To New Heights

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“Tom, Could You Recap All That You Shared With Me Last Week?” Me: Sure!

Below is a story of how prolific in value creation I was last week that I chose to, upon request, put all that I created into one spot that was easy to locate, so here it is…

Just got back from touring Boca Raton and Deerfield Beach, FL on my new to me 50cc scooter with my girlfriend.

Good news is we made it home JUST prior to a Florida style DOWNPOUR of rain. Perfect timing! 🙂

When I jumped on email, I answered several requests from friends like you, who receive my emails, for the URL for this and the URL for that, since I have sent you so many valuable messages this past week.

That made me think, “Hmm! Why don’t I just put a list of the valuable resources out in an email so it can all be in one place?” And here it it.

1) Yesterday, I shared a 9/11 Tribute prayer that I wrote with tears streaming down my face as I reflected on the lives lost and family members left behind and it is here:

BONUS: As a comment I also posted a conversation that I had with one of my hero’s face to face, Zig Ziglar in October of 2001, in Greensboro, NC, which got me back on the proper track here:

2) Today, I shared a challenge to push you out of your comfort zone. WARNING: this with either: a) Offend You, or b) Inspire The Best Version of You that you have been hiding away to be released to the world. That is at: (comment letting me know if you accept, agree, or disagree)

3) An Audio Recording PLUS My Highly Detailed Notes of one of the most impactful, mind blowing presentations I have EVER had the privilege of witnessing, studying & implementing, AND my wish is this will be as POWERFUL and IMPACTFUL for YOU as it was for me and all else who saw it LIVE and has studied the recording and notes:

4) A LIVE interactive video with people from all over the globe (Netherlands, Denmark, US: Georgia, San Diego, Miami, and more) we touch on subjects related to: preparation, confidence, being in the flow, the power of your mind in determining your reality, only 3 things you can control in this world (which by default controls a 4th), the secret question to ask yourself when someone is pushing your button to ensure you don’t say or do things you may regret later, and more. VERY POWERFUL video at:

5) 10 Steps to Make Today Great Podcast, that awoke me at 5:30am to get out of bed and draft for you (which I fought tooth and nail to pass but couldn’t), then audio recorded it for you as well at:

(Subscribe via iTunes at: to listen in your Podcast app, as they are released. Over 270 episodes there now.)

6) Recap of my recent LIFE changing 3 Day Apple Fast which has totally transformed my mind, body, actions and results, PLUS how I went from 196 to 168 in 60 days at:

7) You’ll note that a few of the value shared above this past week was created as I conducted LIVE interactive video streams from my iPhone using a new & powerful platform (owned by Twitter) called Periscope.

a) I’d love to have you join me for my next Scopes coming up. To do that, you can get the app at then search for me, Tom Beal and follow me. It will notify you on your phone when I go live. OR you can follow me at (@tombeal) It will tweet a LIVE URL when my Scope goes live and you can join me on your smart phone or your computer by clicking on that Twitter link.

b) IF you are an entrepreneur or have a message you are seeking more reach, this new platform is AMAZINGLY HOT and working WONDERS for me and others who are using it. That said, there is a tool that puts Periscope to use to explode your traffic and content creation. I’d recommend checking it out at:

Wow! What a week! That my friend is embracing and being what I have termed and teach as Prolific Value Creation.

My hope is each of these, or at least one of these has impacted you in a positive manner.

Make Today Great!
Tom Beal

PS – Feel free to share these as you see fit with others who could benefit. Also, be sure to post your comment(s) and feedback at each of these blog posts with your biggest take aways, or aha moments.

Oh yeah, almost forgot this….

PLEASE NOTE: On my blog(s), even though you are already a subscriber to my newsletter, there will be a pop up asking you to subscribe. Simply close that box, and you do not need to enter your details. My tech
people tell me that at this time, it will continue to do that once per visit to the site. Seeing what options are available to remedy that. As it says in the box now, simply close it and shake your fist at technology with me. My hope is the value you receive far exceeds one click to exit that popup. 🙂

People DYING Everyday For Attention; Literally

RE: 6 Steps to Protecting Your Self & Family From Texting & Driving

ATTENTION. Businesses are paying BILLIONS for it. People are doing outlandish things for it (that they easily self justify). And yes, people are LITERALLY dying for it DAILY (texting and driving).

If you haven’t noticed, MOST people nowadays have the attention span of a gnat.

Don’t believe me? Count today how many people you are conversing with face to face that are FULLY engaged with you. They are NOT looking around the room, over your shoulder, or at their smart phone while conversing with you. They’re looking you in the eyes, and hanging on your every word.

If I were a betting man, I have a hypothesis that you would be hard pressed to have ONE person PER DAY who is PRESENT in such a manner.

People do NOT even stay present WHILE DRIVING a motor vehicle for goodness sakes. When on the highway next time look to the left and look to the right and notice that generally about ONE out of every TWO cars has an smart phone out, in their one hand…REGARDLESS of the news stories of the fatalities caused and lives ruined by texting and driving.

You know why?

“It’ll never happen to me, syndrome.” or the

“I’m good at texting & driving. I do it safely.”

FALLACY they believe WHILE they RISK their own lives including any passengers in vehicle with them (kids, friends, loved ones, etc.), and the other drivers who are unlucky enough to be near these IRRESPONSIBLE, attention addicted, responsibility shunning people.

FACT #1: As humans, the #1 MOST DANGEROUS act we participate in, is entering a car and the highways of America either as a driver or passenger, and the most dangerous thing a DRIVER could do while at the wheel is TEXT & DRIVE (to include checking social media), which is 2 TIMES more probable to crash than a DRUNK DRIVER. (see image below)

FACT #2: Many people with OCD who will wash their hands NUMEROUS times per hour out of fear of germs that will harm them, have ZERO problems or issues pulling their phone out to text, or check Facebook while driving. IE: putting lots of time & energy towards something that has MINIMAL chance of EVER causing ANY harm to them, yet IGNORING and minimizing the absolute MOST dangerous thing they could ever do. Ironically, many are drivers who text & drive have OCD related to the usage of their cell phone versus addictions to them. 

Bottom line: Humans amaze me. They intrigue me.

Why do we do what we do?

How do we justify all that we do?

That is the Billion Dollar question.

The question I would like to pose is more of a solution based one related to keeping myself, my family, and you reading this as safe as possible while on the roads. So…

  1. “What can be done to ensure I set an example for the rest of my family and choose to NOT use my cell phone while behind the wheel?”
    1. Answer: It must be a decision made in advance to getting into the vehicle each and every time (possibly a sticky note on the dash as a reminder) along the lines of: “I love my life and my family too much to risk it by choosing to text and drive. I choose to take this role as driver and role model seriously, and will not utilize my phone at all while the car is in motion.”
    2. If my kids or other family members see me using my phone while the vehicle in motion, it gives them the ok to use theirs while driving and in motion. Nothing would break my heart more than to get a call saying they are no longer here, especially being that is was in part due to my poor example.
    3. I choose to take full responsibility and not be tempted to pick up my phone for any reason.
    4. My family knows and agrees that if they are reaching out to me and I am not responding, to assume it is due to me being on the road, and that I will reply to them at my earliest convenience. NOTE: Consider having that be standard, “I’ll get back to you at my absolute earliest convenience.” for all family members. We do not want to be Pavlov humans, nor set that as an example of how we want out kids to be, either. Don’t play the “why didn’t you text me back immediately” game. That adds huge amounts of burden to any family member, and would cause them anxiety if they receive or see texts from you if that would be the response they got after getting to their destination, and could cause them to try to text and drive (aka RISK THEIR LIFE and others) as to NOT get BERATED or INTERROGATED later. Don’t be that person.
  2. Have a standard protocol, that all in the family have agreed upon that no one will be using their phones while the car is in motion (texting, checking emails, social media site, etc).
    1. At a stop light, or when pulled over there is a quick & safe way to notify anyone reaching out to you who may want some feedback out of concern. Copy and paste the following from your iPhone, then when stopped simply type “dn” (dn – without the quotations and it will autopopulate the rest). Follow the steps and copy and paste this in proper place: “Driving right now. Text you back when safe & able to. (This created on iPhone by: Settings => General => Keyboard => Add new shortcut. And this all auto-populates when I type dn) Please use this yourself, spread the word, and choose to not text and drive, as it would really sadden me to lose you over a text that could have waited. (Sent to you by typing 2 letters, while not in motion; most likely at a light.)” From your iPhone TEXT: ITCANWAIT to 33444 to receive this dn text copy sent to you.
  3. Agree in advance as a family, that IF a situation is a must for you to send a text or check anything on your phone, safely pull over and park in a safe place to do so. When done, get back on the road, choosing in advance to NOT text & drive.
  4. If there are passengers in your car, utilize them to plugin the map details, search for things online, send a quick text to someone for you, etc. DO NOT risk THEIR LIVES or YOURS.
  5. IT CAN WAIT! Is sending or replying to a text worth your life? How would your life be if you by checking or sending a text ran over and killed a child? Would a text be worth that? In the grand scheme of things, IT CAN WAIT. Your BOSS, LOVED ONE, FRIEND, or anyone who cares about you would understand that you made a choice prior to entering your vehicle that you would NOT text and drive and to wait until you were stopped. If they don’t understand, find new friends or bosses. It’s YOUR LIFE. Treat your SELF with the DIGNITY you DESERVE!
    1. Watch this powerful It Can Wait Video WITH your family & loved ones, and discuss it openly 
    2. Teach YOUR self and FAMILY to be FREE from anxiety or anticipation related to their phone(s). Help them learn that it is a powerful tool that can greatly assist them in many ways, AND it can STEAL their most precious assets of TIME and possibly their LIVES if left uncontrolled. Some Google searches will come up with some ideas. Here’s one from WebMD titled
  6. Drive DEFENSIVELY. Expect that people ARE NOT paying attention, and WILL NOT make the proper moves and choices that they should. BE PREPARED, VIGILANT & OBSERVANT at ALL times when behind the wheel, and have those in the car with you on the lookout as well.

Whether we know each other personally or not, as I mention in my dn tip above, it would really sadden me to hear that you or someone you care about lost your life due to texting and driving, ESPECIALLY since you were here, and know the dangers is poses.

DO NOT JUST READ THIS. TAKE A STAND! TAKE ACTION! MAKE A COMMITMENT…like your life and the lives of your loves ones is on the line, because it truly is.

My hope is this was helpful to you, and that you make a commitment, chat with your loved ones (friends and family) about this, and make it safer for us all on the streets.

Feel free to share this post to as many people as possible. Together we can make the roads safer.

Make Today Great!
Tom Beal

PS – Please leave me your comments below. Would love to hear your feedback. Which part, if any, did you find helpful?

Statistics of Driving Hazards

When Attempted Humor or Viral Videos Cross The Line of Human Rights by Tom Beal

Due to me speaking on stage in a Mankini (topic: Steps To Stepping Out of  Your Comfort Zone) years ago, several people have tagged me on Facebook to a viral video of white boys going to Compton, CA, in and confronting random people on the street, then attempting to fight them. When they goaded the innocent person into fighting, then then stripped down into Mankini’s and the people run away. I get it, and in a sick and perverse way this video can appear funny. But here’s my real feelings on it, which may shed further light on why I feel this “funny” video is appalling.

What these guys did was not only super disrespectful to innocent people minding their own business, doing their own things in public, but confronting them out of the blue in that manner regardless of what race or city is bullying/harassment and if they would’ve been beaten, shot, or stabbed, (prior to them stripping down to their Mankini’s) it would’ve been absolutely justified from the receiving end of their prank, IMO.

Fact: If they tried that down here in FL with middle class business men (or women), or elderly even, chances are good they’d have a weapon pulled on them and possibly be fired upon out of self defense. (Not to mention the guys doing this video were all large, intimidating, obviously crazy, and in good physical shape that could be capable of harming you badly).

My feeling is that IF people are choosing to conduct jackass like (movie) pranks, they’d better be aware of the consequences (physical harm and/or arrest) and my hope would be they would do it out of comedy and not violating personal human rights.

To me, this is almost as preposterous as what you may have seen with some kids recording others while knocking out innocent people that just happened to walk by, and laughing at it, just like people are laughing at this.

Furthermore, the one stated above is definitely something those who do it should be found and arrested (aggravated assault at the very least), and IMO, the people who recorded this fall into the illegal category of harassment, at the very least.

If the roles, races, and cities were reversed the cops would’ve definitely been involved QUICKLY and it would’ve been a show we’d hear about later called “When Pranks Go Bad.”

Bottom line: a. Treat others as you would want to be treated. b. Don’t be a Jackass!

NOTE: It was/is on purpose that I did NOT share the URL to that video, or the videos of people knocking random people out as they walk by. They do not deserve added exposure in my opinion. Please do not list either of those URL’s in any comments below. Thank you! PS – If you have not seen them, trust me, it’s ok, you’re not missing anything, and you’re probably better off that way.

My Simple Comfort Zone Challenge To YOU! Do you accept?

You have big dreams? Big goals? FACT: They WILL NOT occur staying comfortably in your Comfort Zone. You must explore outside of it DAILY! This simple challenge, will test your commitment to really wanting to go for your dreams, or if you’re just a big talker with no action to back it up.

If you are unwilling to push past your minds attempts to talk you out of things, and TAKE ACTION in spite of fear, uncertainty, or anticipation of bad outcomes, you’ll be missing out on all the success, adventure, and fun that is waiting for your courage to show up.

That is a true, for real, challenge from ME to YOU! Comment below if you accept or not, and even better share your experience if you accepted.

Make Today Great!
Tom Beal

PS – As I state in the video, if you choose to decline this challenge I wish you the best of luck on your big dreams. This is the absolute SIMPLEST step you could ever choose to take or not take on any journey to greatness. Fail to accept this, and you’ll fail to accept the more difficult ones.

Let me peek into some of your minds?

“Tom, aren’t you being a bit harsh?” Nope. Just doing my job, which is to nudge you to be your absolute best. It’s not uncommon for me to see more talent & brilliance lying latent in you, than you see for yourself.

“It’s not that big of deal. I’ve done it before years ago, and don’t need to do it now.” What other things in your life and business are you excusing yourself from doing that are congruent with your goals and dreams. Meaning: you should and must be doing the if you were serious about your large goals and dreams but instead are choosing to make excuses that you convince yourself of being valid (and that dream or goal is put on pause until you choose to do what you know you must).

Jim Rohn, said it best: “Things that are easy to do, are easier NOT to do.”

Yes, this is easy to do, but it’s easier not to do. If you choose no to this challenge, ask yourself what else is easy to do in your health, relationships, and finances, that you are choosing NOT to do out of emotional laziness.

NOTE: Is this making you uncomfortable? Good! YOU have HUGE talents lying dormant within you. You want to die with your songs still in you and lead a life of mediocrity compared to what you could’ve lived if you chose to step into your awesomeness boldly & fearlessly? My guess is a NO or else you wouldn’t be here.

Tell yourself what I told myself, in my mind as it was trying to talk me out of it), and own your awesomeness and choose to do it NOW!

As simple as it sounds this is a life transforming experience for many. Choose to try it yourself, NO EXCUSES, and let me know your experience in a comment below.

LOOK: I attract winners. You are one or you wouldn’t be here reading this now. In business and life there are either results or excuses. Which do you choose today? Step up! NOW is your time to shine and own your greatness. Are you ready?

9/11 Impacted Everyone Throughout The World. My Reflections 14 Years Later by Tom Beal

My feelings and thoughts on this 11th day of September, 2015 by Tom BealPraying Firefighter on 9/11:

The entire world was impacted on this day 14 years ago. It still brings up deep & intense feelings & emotions for me even though I was in Charlotte, NC at the time. We all have emotional scars by witnessing and experiencing this day that will never be forgotten.

A) Posted this as a reply to a Facebook post earlier and felt compelled to share it with you here, as well:

“I salute our fallen hero’s and our current hero’s who to this day rush in to save lives when most people would run the opposite direction. Thank you to all of our upstanding Fire Fighters, EMT’s, and Police Officers and their supportive committed families. Also sending love and prayers to the 1st responders & civilian lives taken that day, and the pain, sorrow and loss their families had to endure.”

B) With tears streaming, thinking of those lost and the pain and suffering the families left behind have had to endure I wrote this prayer, which was posted on a popular Christian FB Group, also. If you recognize it from there, know I am the author, not plagiarizing.

“Lord, I still cannot make sense of this event from 14 years ago and trust in You and Your plan that I am not meant to have full understanding. I AM meant to have Faith in You. Father, help me grow in my Faith so I can trust you as Christ trusted you even while he was asking for this cup (Luke 22:42) to be taken from him, but continued and said, Your will not mine be done. Lord, help this world find peace, and help us individually find peace & comfort in You, Your Love, and Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen!”

Sending love & prayer to all the families of those we lost, and comfort to all around the globe who still are grieving or suffering. Lord, hear our prayers.

NOTE: This is NOT the post to discuss conspiracies or things of that nature. It IS a post to reflect, think, and act in the present moment from love, peace, and respect for the fallen & those left behind. Please respect that, and post comments in alignment with this stated intent. Thank you!

Trajectory Modifying Audio WITH Notes That Will Transform Your Results & Life

NOTE: This was recorded from my iPhone in the audience and is NOT professional quality. You will hear me and the person next to me at times. It is listenable and IT WILL transform your business results and REFRAME your MIND

Mitch Axelrod, thank you for allowing me to share this with my key contacts to better love & serve them. 🙂

 ********Grab your pad and pen and let’s begin**********

Introduced by a video from Brian Tracy from 20 years ago. 

Sign above desk, “I only work with people who I can hug.”

Beautiful blonde comes up to him on stage prior to starting. “What made you come back?” I want more of you. That became the standard I judge all relationships. 

Do people want more of you, or no more of you?

As a Waiter recognized that, “People reward me with money when I serve them.”

My life’s work comes down to this, “I love and serve people, and they reward me with money.”

“The Power of Distinctions”

Consciousness – make the unconscious conscious. Make the invisible visible, make the intangible tangible. 

Iceberg called your life. 90% left untapped. Only 10% above water.

What could I turn from invisible to visible. From intangible to tangible. 

We can’t see our biggest assets right in front of us. 

NOTE: 9 mins in Mitch mentioned Jay Conrad Levinson, because his widow was in the audience.

Goal was to be a speaker. 

My role had to serve my goal. Had to do the things that got me to the speaker position. 

My soul was telling me to stop touring and raise my son. 

Conflict: What do I do? Do i serve the goal, or serve my soul?

Turning point. Recognized something new. 

Mind dominated, goal oriented culture. 

Couldn’t be on the road 100 days per year and raise his son. 

Friend speakers told him he was crazy. He CAN’T be a speaker and not be on the road raising his child. They said,“If you get off the road to raise your son for 10 years, no one will remember you.”

Mitch, “But if I don’t go home, my son won’t remember me.”

Stayed home and got off the road. Changed Mitch’s life following his soul.

1st do your soul setting “Go be with your son.”

2nd role setting. What’s my new role?

3rd goal setting

Entire success model of world is upside down. Measurement of success isn’t on your soul it’s on money.

If you lead with goal, role must be obedient servant to the goal, and if any time then the soul.

Set the soul setting, then role setting, then goal setting. 

If you’re feeling resistance or conflict, you may want to look at this new way.

“What do you do?” On napkin, he showed a model, then asked to speak at Harvard. “We need this at our evolving leadership conference.”

“No one will be speaking about the soul of leadership.” at this Harvard event. We need this!

You can have fabulous success with this soul 1st process.

Reverse is not possible. No goal big enough that can fill a hole in your soul.

17 mins Soul is all about LOVE.

Great! Let’s talk about profit (cause that’s what most people focus on and want)


Love + Serve = People reward you with money

Would you like to be loved and served? YES! All want it. It gives you power to love and serve others. 

In the game for the loving & the serving. 

Am going to leave a piece of my soul with everyone I meet. 

To touch the soul of another human being is like walking on Holy ground.

How do your soul, role and goal look? Conflict or in alignment?

How long can you go being completely disconnected. Everything effects everything. 

Goal frustration is distance between where you are and where you want to be. 

Role frustration – would you do something different if you could? Are you doing what you value? And value what you do?

7 deadly sins of self abuse:

should, ought, must, need, gotta, have to, supposed to

No choice with those words

Do you have rules? Do you love structure?

How many can’t stand rules?

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

When given the choice between rules, policy, procedures, and protocol, LOVE & SERVE your clients. It’s simple but not easy with red tape. Just do it!

Customers do not care about your rules, policies, or procedures, they just want to be LOVED & SERVED.

Belief is not merely an idea the mind possesses. Belief is an idea that possesses the mind.

What belief do you have now that is possessing your mind?

Write down ALL of your beliefs and ask do I possess this belief or does this belief possess me?

We all are addicted to something. 

He moved to CA and got rid of all his clutter and possessions. Lost 15lbs and 2 inches, was about to write the Clutter Free Diet, but didn’t.

Be aware of the beliefs I have that are possessing me. 

Ask yourself, “When giving the choice to follow my own rules, policies or expectations, or LOVE & SERVE my self, I will choose to LOVE & SERVE MYSELF.”

Does that possess me or do I possess that belief.

Time zones. Talking to them in PRESENT but people we speak with are in the PAST or FUTURE and NOT the present. 

Stop being in conversations when people are not in PRESENT moment. 

When I recognize they’re not here ask them, “Can you tell me where your head is now?”

If you can’t let go of the past or let go of the future and come to the now, let’s disengage and return when you can be in the present.

“Can you be present in this conversation?” If no, disengage. Stop wasting your most precious asset. 

Stimulus response model. How to stop reacting for the rest of your life. If you are reacting from the past you are not present. Fight, flight, or freeze (game over). Can’t talk with someone in that mode.

If you want to change someones response, change the stimulus.

Copy, scripting, language, etc. You are the stimulus. Change up your stimulus or expect the same response.

Ever react from the past (knee jerk)? Decision gap. Count 1 Mississippi, 2M, 3M, then respond.

If you don’t like to be sold to, (no business succeeds without sales) that will effect dramatically how you sell to others. You Sell Like You Buy! Observe how you sell.

Control the decision gap between stimulus and response. (count to 3 Mississippi before replying if emotions are risen) Breathe, take times to settle. RESPOND versus react.

38:30 NEVER discount your offers. (solution coming) 

Are you a JOCKEY or are you a HORSE?

What makes you such a great jockey, Willie? The best jockeys are not necessarily the best jockeys, they ride the best horses!!! 

If you’re the horse you’re the product manufacturer. If you’re a horse you need jockeys. 

If you’re a jockey, you need a great horse. 

Are you better as the rider or better as the ride.

Which of the 4 Horsemen are you? If you don’t know it causes a lot of discomfort.

  1. ENTREPRENEUR – from French it means, to undertake. What % are successful entrepreneurs? Less than 1%. Word is misused. Start a biz, build a team, go start another business. Baseball players get into the Hall of Fame if they FAIL 7 out of 10 times. Could you start 10 businesses and have only 2 succeed and be happy and fulfilled? It’s for some, but not all.
  2. BUSINESS OWNER – builds a business narrow and deep and builds roots. Used to be brick and mortar. Every entrepreneur needs a business owner. 
  3. PRACTITIONER – the artist. Art is in the practice of what you do. Love the art of the work. Happy as a practitioner and lousy as a business owner. E-myth. When you stop loving the game, find a new game to play that you love.
  4. FREE AGENT – will do anything NOT TO HAVE A JOB. Psychologically Unemployable and proud of it.

Which one are you? Which one are you trying to be but are not succeeding due to a mismatch?

Baseball analogy. Everyone has A position. You play the position you are GOOD AT! You don’t have a pitcher play catcher. 

Do you possess your business or does your business possess you? 

“I LOVE THE ART OF THE GAME.” Has a biz partner to handle the biz parts that he hates. 

There is no such thing as failure. You SUCCEED or LEARN!

Perfectionists think anything not perfect feels like a failure. 

Teachers shared that quote all throughout the school. Soul work!

Take imperfect action. Imperfect action beats perfect inaction EVERY SINGLE TIME!

2 things I learned from my parents (who always showed up):

  1. 80% of success is SHOWING UP!
  2. When you show up, BE THERE!

If you show up and be there, amazing things happen!

Let’s talk about MONEY now. Almost a decade to learn this.

Are you worth more? You know you can earn more? 

5 ways to price yourself: (approx 57 mins into audio)

  1. COST – in manufacturing or commodity market. Cost plus a % model.
  2. HOURS or TIME – pet peeve of this mantra, “Don’t trade time for money.” Would you trade 6 mins for $10k? Of course! “Have a check for $10k if I can get an answer to this big problem.” On phone, he explains the problem. Would you like me to take as long as possible to give you the answer or as quick as possible? He said the shorter the better. I happened to see what the problem was, and I got a check for $10k. EVENTUALLY NEVER COMES!  Everyone trades time for money. Trade time for maximum money NOW! There is no future. We only have NOW. 
  3. PROJECT – like a general contractor on a house. Can make a lot of money. Figure out costs, time, and add a profit. If you misplace it, you go upside down. You must have something in project for overages. 
  4. VALUE PRICING – with exec selling a training program. In Mitch’s mind he estimated it would be a $25k project. Mitch we have about $100k for this project in budget. How much of that would you like to set aside for me? He said $70k. LET THEM PRICE YOU BEFORE THEY PRICE YOU. YOU may be far more valuable to someone than you think you are. Unless & until you ask, you will under charge. Never ever quote a fee until you know the value you are to them. DO NOT DO PROPOSALS. Under one condition, you do it with me so it gets accepted. How much work are you willing to do with me to ensure it gets chosen as one that is bid. Gets rid of the free loaders. Another corp exec from insurance company: want to hire you to come in and speak. Who should we have come in. Fee was only $7k, but they wanted to pay him for sole attention for next 30 days at $20k.
  5. EXPERIENCE – Have you ever paid WAY more just for the experience? 2-3x for a concert ticket? The experience of YOU! 

Info products are old. Intellectual Property is NEW GAME. Always license Intellectual material, don’t sell it.

DON’T try to convert the heathens. Find the TRUE BELIEVERS.

Put yourself in the path of people who are searching for what you have and are ready to buy it now.

How can you begin pricing TOP DOWN? Can price for all top 3 down. Can get paid for the project, get an equity kicker, then a success fee. Everything has a success fee. That way we’re in the game together. 

“Big doors swing on little hinges.” W. Clement Stone

1hr20 mins McDonald’s Big Mac commercial playing

$1 per person above hard cost

$5k for cassette and he’ll pay for production

I’m not a speaker, I’m in the I.P. business. 

STOP selling what we have and not what they want.

Sell them what they want!!!

Started to license, not sell my stuff. 

“What do you want to do with it?” 

Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins fees were $2M in 5 years

I’ll make you a deal. You record it, I license it to you for $250k

What’s the catch, 6 mos from now you write an endorsement to you competitors

Then another $250k to train their people

I’m not buying your huge training, “I want this this this this and this.”

Priced it way high so he wouldn’t want it, he took it. 

Burger King commercial, “Have it your way!” 1hr 42mins

Are you giving your products and services your way or their way?

Unbundle your product, disassemble it. More value than all bulked together. 

“What do you want to do with it?” 

They loved chapter 8. Really, would you like it? What do you mean? Would you like Chapter 8? Would you pay me $1 per person? $25k for one chapter of a book.

One chapter in your book may be worth more than entire book, cause you don’t see what the value is for clients? 

Most valuable real estate in the world are cemeteries. The 6 inches between your ears.

People want what you know, not what you do. Would you like to get paid just for what you know? 

Stop thinking in form and value the wisdom you have. 

Power of clarity of who you are and what you want to do, where it is you’re going.

Continue the relationship with Mitch:

  1. New Game of Intellectual Property (how to do deals), get into membership, get all live event recordings. If you have info products on the shelf, if you have value to provide, this is KEY 
  2. New Game of Selling. 55 modules. If you don’t like selling this is the program for you. 
  3. Do both. 30 minute consult as well. Magical things will happen.

We stumble over the truth from time to time, but most of us stumble of as nothing happened. Winston Churchill


NOTES By Tom Beal 9/10/15 9:57 pm at end from home in Boca Raton, FL

Post your (YES YOU reading this), your biggest take aways from this incredible presentation as a comment below.

AMAZING Beachside LIVE Video Chat: Becoming Your Best Simply

In this LIVE interactive video with people from all over the globe (Netherlands, Denmark, US: Georgia, San Diego, Miami, and more) we touch on subjects related to: preparation, confidence, being in the flow, the power of your mind in determining your reality, only 3 things you can control in this world (which by default controls a 4th), the secret question to ask yourself when someone is pushing your button to ensure you don’t say or do things you may regret later, and more.

Have a feeling it cut off prior to me officially ending it. Was doing some weird things on my end

NOTE: Join me LIVE next time and interact with me by following me on Twitter at @tombeal, and searching for me on the live streaming app Periscope as Tom Beal.

Make Today Great!
Tom Beal

PS – Post your comments of this value based video below. I read all, and reply to most all. 🙂



Discussing 3 Day Apple Fast & How I Went from 196 to 168 Pounds In 60 Days

…and my 3 Day Edgar Cayce Apple Fast Has Changed My Life & Can Change Yours Well

Find more about me discussing my fasting here:

  1. Edgar Cayce’s 3 Day Apple Fast Experiment (documented as I went through it)
  2. Tom Beal’s 10 Day No Food Fast Experiment (documented as I went through it)

To get the FREE report describing how I lost 28 lbs in 60 days you can go to: My Transformation Secrets.

Make Today Great!
Tom Beal

PS – Post your comments below. I see all, and reply to most all. 🙂



Automatically Get Unique, Valuable & Traffic Getting Content Via Periscope & WPScope

WPScope Allows You To Automatically Get Unique, Valuable & Traffic Getting Content Via Periscope Posted to Your YouTube Channel, Blog, and Facebook

Make Today Great!
Tom Beal

PS – Learn more about this powerful tool & how you can begin benefitting from it NOW by clicking here: WPScope.

Mother Teresa and Wayne Dyer Inspired Me To Do This by Tom Beal

After the passing of Wayne Dyer I went onto YouTube to listen to some of his wisdom when I came across this story he told about Mother Teresa, which inspired me to do what I describe in this video. Enjoy!

My hope is that it will inspire you to step up and out of your comfort zone as well.

Make Today Great!
Tom Beal

PS – Here is a pic of me and Vera from this morning. May God protect and bless her!

Tom Beal and Vera